cheaper than most processed cereals and are sold in larger quantities . So , you ’ re getting more for less . They are also good for your brain . Read the article Power Foods
for the Entrepreneur ’ s Brain to learn more .
4 . Stop killing yourself with junk !
It ’ s hard to maintain a healthy diet while starting a business in Jamaica when your favourite mouth watering delights are just a smell away . Fast food restaurants probably take a big chunk of your business ’ profits within two weeks . It ’ s time to cut the junk !
Many lifestyle related diseases , such as hypertension and diabetes , are related to sodas , prepackaged meals and processed foods . Are they worth your health ? Despite the fact that they have very little or no nutritional value , their costs add up over time . It ’ s important to develop “ spending wisdom ” by cutting out junk foods from your diets and replacing them with healthier options that bring lifelong benefits . So , the next time you get that junk food craving remember your budget can ’ t afford it and your health may not survive it .
5 . Take control , grow your own .
Home-grown produce is the most economical way to ensure you ’ re getting the healthy , high quality foods your desire . Fresh fruits and vegetables are guaranteed to taste better than storebought options . For further benefits of growing your own , read
Growing “ Green ” with Gardening .
6 . Meat your enemy !
Many of us love to engage in a good meat feast , but it may be quite greasy on your pockets . Meat and fish are very expensive . Therefore , eating less meat will help you save money . Switch things up ! Replace meat in your diet once or twice per week with other sources of proteins such as beans , eggs and vegetables . These are less expensive , easy to prepare and nutritious .
7 . Buy in bulk .
Many foods are available in bulk at a very low price . Items such as brown rice and flour , if purchased in bulk , can save you a lot of money and can serve you for a long time . Some foods , such as beans and lentils , can be used to prepare healthy meals and serve for a long period of time when purchased in bulk . You can take advantage of bulk purchases to reduce the amount of money spent on groceries .
Final Words
Eating healthy meals is vital to the growth of your business . You won ’ t be able to help your business grow if you ’ re laying in a hospital bed ! Don ’ t become so focused on your business that you neglect your health . Sure , eating healthy is expensive and new business owners will have challenges deciding the right food to eat within their budget . Take your time , plan for your health and appreciate the less expensive foods . Also , find the time to set up a small home garden .
If you want to know the tools you need to be a successful entrepreneur , get your copy of the Business Playbook . For more details
click here .
Issue � : January ����