Healthy foods are expensive , especially when you ’ re on a tight budget . I ’ m sure it ’ s overwhelming to go into the supermarket and feel bombarded by the variety of options . You probably just stand there for a few seconds double checking your wallets and purses , gathering your thoughts and sometimes even rethinking if you really want to do this today or prefer to try to make it through another week with what you have . You tell yourself that God will provide . If this sounds like you , trust me , you ’ re not alone .
Cost and accessibility heavily influence our food choices . How you choose to spend depends fundamentally on your income and economic status . This makes budgeting increasingly important when you start a business in Jamaica because income may not be generated as quickly as hoped . It takes grit and dedication to build a successful business . You are probably an entrepreneur who works extremely hard and you may often overlook your health .
" Healthy foods are expensive "
Haven ’ t eaten in the past 5 hours ? Fast food restaurants , such as Burger King , offer a quick fix for soothing our appetites . I ’ m here to tell you that it ’ s time to resist the temptation ; it ’ s time to take a stand for your health ! Lack of time isn ’ t an excuse for neglecting your health . Poor health impacts your ability to continue as a business owner .
The Government of Jamaica is also aware of the value of health and , therefore , established the Food Based Dietary Guidelines in 2015 . These guidelines promote a healthy , balanced diet consisting of a variety of food sources from the six food groups
( staples , vegetables , fruits , fats and oils , animal-food source and legumes and nuts ). In addition , the food guide emphasizes physical activities and drinking of water .
Eating Healthy : The Entrepreneurial Budget Guide
Your budget is the key to effective spending . Here are seven ways entrepreneurs can eat healthy on a budget .
1 . Plan it and stick to it .
In the words of Victor Hugo , “ He who every morning plans the transactions of that day and follows that plan carries a thread that will guide him through the labyrinth of the most busy life .” Planning weekly meals and grocery lists is vital when trying to save money because it reduces the risk of overspending . Also , planning helps you keep track of items you ’ ve purchased and encourages you to only buy what you will use . So , it ’ s wise to take a day out of each week to prepare your meals . It ’ s even more important to stick to your plan . Here are some tips for sticking with your plan :
Set at least an hour each weekend for meal planning and budgeting . Look at what you already have , create a grocery list for the items you ’ ll need and prepare to use leftovers .
Click here to learn more strategies for weekly meal prep .
Only take the money you have budgeted to do your weekly groceryshopping so that you don ’ t get sidetracked . Spend within your means !
2 . Kick it in your kitchen .
Eating out is so overrated , especially if you don ’ t have the money for it . Instead , let ’ s wake up our kitchens with the sweet aroma of some good home cooked meals . Make it a habit . Cooking at home isn ' t just cheaper ; you may also find it relaxing and enjoyable or may even discover a new passion or career path . It ’ s important to make time for a home cooked meal .
Some people find it convenient to cook in large portions to serve for the entire week . Furthermore , leftovers can be used to make other meals and cooking for yourself let ’ s you know exactly what ’ s in your food .
3 . Whole foods are the best foods .
You may have heard the term “ whole foods ” being used by nutrition experts . These types of foods prove to be the healthier option and can be much cheaper . Whole foods are foods that haven ’ t been processed before they are eaten , for example fruits and vegetables . You will gain maximum nutrients by purchasing whole foods or by growing them in your own backyard . Read the article
Growing “ Green ” with Gardening to learn more .
Whole grains , like rice and oats , are
Issue � : January ����