Subscriptions - Maximum Yield Cannabis USA May/June 2021 | Página 54

You can leave your cannabis seeds in a glass of mineral water in a dark environment until the radicle / tip of the root shows . Depending on the seed strain , you should generally see something happening within one to five days . Why mineral water ? Well , depending on where you live , your tap water can vary immensely in terms of chemical composition and pH . The ideal pH for water when germinating is pH 7 . Anything outside of this can have adverse effects on your seed . Using mineral water is a cheap and effective way of keeping a stable pH environment . If you use tap water , however , leave it to stand for 24 hours first . The tap water needs a chance to settle and dissolve any chemicals that are present and may be harmful to the seeds .
You can use an air stone and pump to oxygenate the water while it stands for 24 hours . By doing so , you will reduce the chance of the seeds drowning and helping to dissolve any unwanted chemicals at a faster rate .
Using a paper towel to germinate your cannabis seeds is both reliable and straightforward . You should find that 90 percent or more of your cannabis seeds will germinate when following this method correctly . Take a sheet of premium paper towel and fold it in half , then place the seeds to the left of center . If you are germinating more than one seed , then you can use the same piece of kitchen towel but do not let the cannabis seeds touch each other . Now fold the kitchen towel in half again so all the seeds are covered up and then saturate it with water . Mineral water is excellent to use , or if you are going to use tap water , then follow the recommended process for the glass of water method as previously discussed . Now leave the kitchen towel on a plate in a dark place as the roots will hopefully begin to develop soon and they do not like the light .
54 Maximum Yield