Subscriptions - Maximum Yield Cannabis USA May/June 2021 | Page 53

WATER — This is needed to start the germination process as the seed is dry , holding only five percent water and needs to absorb a lot more to begin the germination process . Seeds store starch , oils , and proteins and when germination begins , hydrolytic enzymes are activated , releasing the stored supplies and giving the plant just enough of the right chemicals to get it started . Water is also needed to expand the seed ’ s shell and soften it , allowing it to split for the beginnings of the plant to emerge . The hardness of a cannabis seed shell can vary quite a lot . If your seed is ripe and mature enough for germination , then you shouldn ’ t have any problems . A more immature cannabis seed , however , will have a more rigid shell and may fail to germinate .
OXYGEN — Seeds need to breathe , but without oxygen the seed may drown or suffocate . Overwatering can suffocate your cannabis seeds preventing oxygen from getting to them , so keep them moist but not soaked . Don ’ t overwater your seeds — use a spray mist rather than pouring water directly onto them .
TEMPERATURE — Ideally , your cannabis seeds will germinate best at their “ sweet spot ” between 70-75 ° F . If you germinate a cannabis seed outside this range , then it can negatively affect the plant ’ s growth and health in the future . When temperatures are too cold , it can ultimately stunt germination so keep seeds away from any drafts , open windows , or fans .
LIGHT CONDITIONS — Cannabis seeds germinate best in dark conditions . During germination , your cannabis seed is working to develop its first root ( the radicle ), and roots ( unsurprisingly as they exist underground ) do not like light ! It is therefore vital to keep your cannabis seeds somewhere dark until transplant . But as soon as germination occurs and your new seedling develops leaves , it will need to be exposed to light to start the vital task of photosynthesis . Now that we understand what your cannabis seeds need , let ’ s explore the most popular methods used to germinate them .

Don ’ t overwater your seeds – use a spray mist rather than pouring water directly onto them .”




Rick Simpson is one of the most well-known advocates for raising awareness about the healing properties of medical marijuana .
In 2018 Rick suffered a debilitating stroke .
It has been a very challenging time for Rick and his wife ( and caregiver ) Danijela . They need community support to help pay for Rick ’ s medical expenses from the last two and a half years ... and those which are still on the horizon .
© Steef Fleur / Green Gold Stories
Follow Rick ’ s story on our social networks : simpsonramadur . com | phoenixtears . ca
Support Rick by purchasing one of his books at simpsonramadur . com Or make a donation in support of Rick at : gofundme . com / f / support-rick-simpson
Maximum Yield 53