Subaru Outback Manuals 2022 Outback EyeSight Driving Assist System Manual | Page 74

Advanced Adaptive Cruise Control
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* 1 : The wheels and tires have functions that are critically important . Be sure to use the correct ones . For details , refer to the Owner ’ s Manual for your vehicle .
* 2 : If the brake system warning light does not turn off , immediately pull the vehicle over in a safe place and contact a SUBARU dealer to have the system inspected . For details , refer to the Owner ’ s Manual for your vehicle .
* 3 : For details about the functions and operations of the combination meter , refer to the Owner ’ s Manual for your vehicle .
• Lane Centering Function is designed for use on expressways , freeways , toll roads , interstate highways and similar limited access roads . It is not intended to be used in city traffic . In the following conditions , do not use Lane Centering Function . Doing so may result in an accident . - Ordinary roads ( roads other than those mentioned above )
Depending on the driving environment ( complexity of roads and other factors ), the system may not be able to perform as the traffic conditions require , and that may result in an accident . - Roads with sharp curves - Roads with lane restrictions or tentative lanes due to construction work , etc . - Old lane markings remain . - Avoiding parked vehicles - Snow , puddles or snow melting agents remain on the road surface .
- Cracks or constructed traces remain on the road surface . - Frozen roads , snow-covered roads or other slippery road
S01893 surfaces The tires may spin , causing loss of control of the vehicle .
- Entering a sharp curve into an interchange or junction , or a service area , parking area , toll booth or other facilities - There are changes in brightness , such as at a tunnel entrance or exit . - Visibility is poor due to sand , smoke or water vapor blowing in the wind , or the front vision is obscured due to water splashes , snow , dirt or dust stir up generated by the vehicle in front or oncoming traffic .