Subaru Outback Manuals 2017 Outback Owner's Manual | Page 338

Audio/Voice command system ! Commands for iPod Control Voice command Track Up ! Commands for Bluetooth audio control Function Select the next track Voice command Function Track Down Select the current track Pause Track Up Select the next track Repeat ? Repeat One, Repeat All Select a repeat mode Track Down Select the current track Repeat One Repeat single track Repeat All Repeat all tracks Repeat ? 1 track Repeat, Repeat All, Group Repeat Select a repeat mode 1 Track Repeat Repeat single track Repeat All Repeat all tracks Group Repeat Repeat tracks on group Shuffle ? Shuffle a random play Track, Shuffle Album, Select mode Shuffle OFF Shuffle Track Shuffle all tracks Shuffle Album Shuffle all tracks Shuffle OFF Turn off shuffle Pause play Shuffle ? Shuffle All, Select a random play Group Shuffle, Shuf- mode fle OFF Shuffle All Shuffle all tracks Group Shuffle Shuffle tracks on group Shuffle OFF Turn off shuffle 5-87