Subaru Outback Manuals 2017 Outback Owner's Manual | Page 337

5-86 Audio/Voice command system ! Commands for AM/FM control Voice command Function Seek Up Tunes in the higher frequency direction Seek Down Tunes in the lower frequency direction Scan Switch to the scan mode Designate the freTune to quency to switch to a specific radio station Preset Designate the preset channel to switch to specific radio station Tag iTunes Tagging for HD Radio ! Commands for SiriusXM radio control Voice command Function Preset Designate the preset channel to switch to specific radio station Scan Switch to the scan mode Channel Designate the channel to switch to specific radio station Voice command Function Category ? Next (page), Previous Displays the category (page), <1-5> ? Next list screen (page), Previous (page), <1-5> ! Commands for MP3/WMA/AAC, USB control Voice command Select the next track Track Down Select the current track Folder Up Plays from the start of the next folder ! Commands for CD control Voice command Function Track Up Function Track Up Select the next track Folder Down Plays from the start of the previous folder Track Down Select the current track Scan Switch to the scan mode Scan Switch to the scan mode Select a repeat mode Repeat ? 1 Track Repeat, Repeat All Repeat ? 1 Track Repeat, Repeat Folder, Repeat All Select a repeat mode 1 Track Repeat Repeat single track 1 Track Repeat Repeat single track Repeat Folder Repeat of the folder Repeat All Repeat all tracks Repeat All Repeat all tracks Shuffle Plays randomly Shuffle ? Shuffle Folder, Shuffle All Select a random play mode Shuffle Folder Plays randomly of the folder Shuffle All Plays randomly