Subaru Forester Manuals 2020 Forester Multimedia System Manual | Page 11

INTRODUCTION NOTE O If the system functions unexpectedly such as an area other than the one touched being selected, or failure to respond when WRXFKHG WKHUH LV D SRVVLELOLW\ WKDW DQRWKHU ¿QJHU RU SDUW RI WKH hand is in contact with display. O Scratches on the system panel surface are easily noticeable, and it should therefore be handled with care. 9 NOTE O This device is precision-engineered equipment and the recorded data can be lost as a result of static electricity, electrical noise, YLEUDWLRQRURWKHULQÀXHQFHV7RSURWHFWWKHGHYLFHDJDLQVWGDWD loss, we recommend keeping a separate record of the data that you record after purchase. O The screen may be adversely affected or disturbed by noise if electrical equipment that generates powerful electrical noise is used near the system. In such cases, keep the electrical equipment at a distance, or refrain from use. O The display may appear brighter when the temperature is low, or immediately after starting the engine, however, this is a characteristic of the LED elements, and does not indicate a fault. The display will return to its original brightness when the vehicle cabin has warmed up. O When you look at the screen through polarized material such as polarized sunglasses, the screen may be dark and hard to see. If so, look at the screen from different angles, adjust the screen settings on the general settings screen or take off your sunglasses. O ,WPD\EHGLI¿FXOWWRYLHZWKHVFUHHQLIWKHGLVSOD\LVH[SRVHGWR sunlight from an awkward angle. O The LCD screen may not function normally if covered with a SURWHFWLYH¿OP'RQRWDI¿[DSURWHFWLYH¿OP O The touch panel may function incorrectly or fail to respond if RSHUDWHG ZLWK REMHFWV RWKHU WKDQ ¿QJHUV QDLOV RSHUDWLRQ ZKHQ wearing gloves, pens, etc.) O When inserting or removing CDs, take care not to touch the touch panel. The touch panel will respond if inadvertently touched by hand.