Subaru Forester Manuals 2020 Forester Multimedia System Manual | Page 10

INTRODUCTION O The touch buttons on the display screen may not operate correctly if condensation forms inside them. If this happens, do not attempt to operate the switches until the condensation has disappeared. O If juice or similar liquid is spilled on the display, wipe off immediately. Failure to do so may result in product malfunction. O 7KH VFUHHQ LV HDVLO\ PDUNHG E\ ¿QJHUSULQWV DQG WHQGV WR attract dust, and should therefore be cleaned occasionally. When cleaning, turn off the power, and wipe lightly with a soft, dry cloth. To remove dirt, soak a soft cloth in neutral detergent DQGVTXHH]HZHOOEHIRUHZLSLQJ'RQRWXVHDZHWÀRRUFORWK organic solvents (benzene, ethanol, thinner, etc.), acids, or alkalis. Using such agents will result in screen deterioration. Furthermore, do not hit the screen or rub it with hard objects. 8 NOTE O SUBARU CORPORATION is not responsible for any damages to the purchaser or third parties that occur from using the map data. O We do not provide any replacements or refunds for any mistakes there may be in the map data displays or contents, such as misspelling, omissions or misaligned positions. O SUBARU CORPORATION makes no guarantee that the functions included in the map data will be appropriate for the VSHFL¿FREMHFWLYHVRIWKHSXUFKDVHU O Functions that cannot be operated while driving have their colors toned down when the vehicle is being driven, and their operation is disabled. Touching a disabled switch may result in the display of an operation prohibited message on the screen. O During strong vibrations, such as when driving on a poor road surface, the unit may no longer be able to read the data from the disc, and it will not operate correctly. When the vibration lessens, normal operation will return after a short time. O Immediately after turning on the heater when the temperature is low, dew (water drops) may adhere to the lens of the CD reader (condensation). If this happens, leaving the unit for about an hour should remove the condensation and return the unit to normal operation. If the unit does not return to normal operation even after several hours, contact your SUBARU dealer. O :KHQ XVLQJ WKH XQLW IRU WKH ¿UVW WLPH DIWHU SXUFKDVH RU DIWHU the battery was removed for a long time, the current position may not be displayed correctly. Wait a short time until the GPS positioning corrects the displayed position.