Subaru BRZ Manuals 2020 BRZ Multimedia System Manual | Page 70

OTHER SETTINGS UPDATING THE SYSTEM BEFORE UPDATE WARNING O The engine does not need to be running to update the system. If you leave the engine running while downloading or installing DQXSGDWHGRQRWSDUNWKHYHKLFOHLQDFRQ¿QHGVSDFHVXFK as a garage. Doing so could cause serious injury or death. UPDATE THE CLOCK In order to accurately check for software updates, the clock of the system needs to be set to the correct time. Perform the following procedure to set the clock using GPS signals. Once the clock is set, it will not need to be adjusted unless the power supply is cut due to the battery being depleted or replaced. 1. CAUTION O When performing an update using Wi-Fi or a smartphone, make sure to park the vehicle in an area with low electrical noise and network signal is strong enough. O Park the vehicle in an area where GPS signals can be received normally. O If an update is performed in an area with electrical noise and/or weak network signal, it may take a long time to complete or an error may occur. NOTE O After performing an update, various settings may be reset to their default setting. In this case, it will be necessary to set them to your desired setting again. 68 2. Check that the current vehicle position is correctly displayed on the navigation system screen. Ɣ If the position is correct, proceed to “CONNECTING 727+(1(7:25.´ ĺ3 If the position is not correct, move the vehicle to an area where GPS signals can be received normally (outside, etc.). Ɣ Once the vehicle is correctly positioned, proceed to ³&211(&7,1*727+(1(7:25.´ ĺ3