Subaru BRZ Manuals 2020 BRZ Multimedia System Manual | Page 69

OTHER SETTINGS WARNING O Use Wi-Fi ® devices only when safe and legal to do so. O 7KLV V\VWHP LV ¿WWHG ZLWK :L)L ® antennas. People with implantable cardiac pacemakers, cardiac resynchronization WKHUDS\SDFHPDNHUV RU LPSODQWDEOH FDUGLRYHUWHU GH¿EULOODWRUV should maintain a reasonable distance between themselves and the Wi-Fi ® antennas. The radio waves may affect the operation of such devices. Radio waves could have unexpected effects on the operation of such medical devices. The system can connect to a Wi-Fi network that supports the following standards. Ɣ Communication standards: • 802.11b • 802.11g 3 • 802.11n (2.4GHz) • 802.11a O Before using Wi-Fi ® devices, users of any electrical medical device other than implantable cardiac pacemakers, cardiac resynchronization therapy-pacemakers or implantable FDUGLRYHUWHU GH¿EULOODWRUV VKRXOG FRQVXOW WKH PDQXIDFWXUHU of the device for information about its operation under the LQÀXHQFHRIUDGLRZDYHV SUPPORTED Wi-Fi NETWORK SPECIFICATIONS Ɣ Security: • WPA TM • WPA2 TM NOTE O WPA and WPA2 are registered mark of the Wi-Fi Alliance ® . 67