Subaru BRZ Manuals 2020 BRZ Multimedia System Manual | Page 55

Bluetooth ® SETTINGS 3. When this screen is displayed, search for the device name displayed on this screen on the screen of your Bluetooth phone/device. 5. Select  &RQ¿UP  3 Ɣ Cancel (Cancel): Select to cancel the registration. Check that the following pop-up screen may be displayed. Register using your Bluetooth phone/device. Ɣ A PIN-code is not required for SSP (Secure Simple Pairing) compatible Bluetooth phones/devices. Depending on the type of Bluetooth phone/device EHLQJ FRQQHFWHG D PHVVDJH FRQ¿UPLQJ UHJLVWUDWLRQ may be displayed on the Bluetooth phone’s/device’s screen. Respond and operate the Bluetooth phone/ GHYLFHDFFRUGLQJWRWKHFRQ¿UPDWLRQPHVVDJH Ɣ Cancel (Cancel): Select to cancel the registration. NOTE O To re-register your Bluetooth phone/device after having deleted it from the system, operate the Bluetooth phone/device and register it after deleting the previously registered system information from the Bluetooth phone/device. 53 4. Ɣ Cancel (Cancel): Select to cancel the registration. Ɣ For details on operating the Bluetooth phone/device, see the manual that comes with it. 6.