Subaru BRZ Manuals 2020 BRZ Multimedia System Manual | Page 54

Bluetooth ® SETTINGS XWhen setting the Bluetooth phone/device 4. 5. REGISTERING A Bluetooth PHONE/DEVICE Select the desired Bluetooth phone/device. Up to 5 Bluetooth phones/devices can be registered. Select the item to be set. Bluetooth compatible phones (HFP) and devices (AVP) can be registered simultaneously. This operation cannot be performed while driving. 1. 2. No. Function Select (Add Device). Page Connecting or disconnecting Bluetooth phones/devices 54 Deleting Bluetooth phones/devices 56 Setting phonebook download 57 Setting the automatic connection priority 58 NOTE O The phone settings screen can also be displayed by selecting (Change Device) on the phone overview VFUHHQ ĺ3  RU %OXHWRRWK DXGLR RSHUDWLRQ VFUHHQ ĺ3  52 'LVSOD\WKHSKRQHVHWWLQJVVFUHHQ ĺ3 Ɣ If a message appears, follow the guidance on the screen.