Lane Departure Warning
� Continued from previous page
- The shape of lane markings suddenly changes ( entrance / exit of a curve , crank and winding road , etc .).
- There is a curb or a side wall on the road shoulder .
- The brightness changes such as at a tunnel entrance or exit or when you drive under an overpass .
- Fluid has not been fully wiped off the windshield during or
H00464 after washer use . - The vehicle is tilted at an extreme angle due to loaded cargo or other factors . - Snow , puddles or snow melting agents remain on the road surface . - Visibility is poor due to sand , smoke or water vapor blowing in the wind , or the front vision is obscured due to water splashes , snow , dirt or dust stir up generated by the vehicle in front or oncoming traffic .
- The stereo camera ’ s field of view is obstructed by fogging , snow , dirt , frost , dust , scratches , or smears on the windshield , or by light reflecting off the dirt , etc .
- Rain or dirt has not been fully wiped off of the windshield . There is a risk of that the stereo camera may not detect the lanes or the oncoming vehicle . - The stereo camera ’ s field of view is obstructed ( for example by a canoe on the roof of the vehicle ).