Subaltern Memories. Persons with disabilities, towards inclusion June 2024 | 页面 5

11.30 – 13.00 h First round table : Memory and redress , a European perspective
13.00 h Break
Memorial to the victims of the Nazi Murder Programme against persons with a disability
Stefanie Endlich , honorary professor of art in public spaces at the Berlin University of the Arts . She is a freelance journalist and author of several books and exhibitions on memory in the fields of fine arts , architecture and urban history . She collaborates in different projects and committees of memory and documentation spaces , including the Memorial and Information Site for the Victims of the National Socialist “ Euthanasia ” Murders ( Berlin ).
Signed memories : the violation of the rights of persons who are deaf and the community of sign language . The reconciliation process of the Finnish government
Hisayo Katsui , professor of Disability Studies at the University of Helsinki . She has been a board member of the Nordic Network on Disability Research , president of the Finnish Society for Disability Research , and is a permanent expert on the Finnish Advisory Board for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities . She has conducted research projects and collaborations about disabilities in Central Asia , Ethiopia , Finland , Uganda , Nepal , Japan , South Africa , Zimbabwe , Mauritius , Cambodia , Mongolia and Nordic countries .
Moderated by : Oriol López , coordinator of the European Observatory on Memories led by the Solidarity Foundation of the University of Barcelona ( EUROM ).