Subaltern Memories. Persons with disabilities, towards inclusion June 2024 | Page 4

There will be simultaneous translation ( Catalan-English and Catalan sign language )
9.30 – 10.00 h 10.00 h
Registration of attendees Welcome and opening
Montserrat Puig Llobet , Vice-rector of Equality and Gender at the University of Barcelona
Xavier López , Director of the University of Barcelona ’ s Solidarity Foundation
10.15 – 11 h Keynote speech ( online ): Nothing About Us Without Us : the Social Movement of Persons with Disabilities in 20th-century Europe
11.00 h Coffee break
Monika Baar , professor of the Department of History and the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies of the European University Institute . She has recently completed the ERC Consolidator Grant project “ Rethinking Disability : the Global Impact of the International Year of Disabled Persons ( 1981 ) in historical perspective ”. In this speech she will pay particular attention to the protests of persons with disabilities , the development of a discernible identity based on disability and the creative forms of selfexpression .