Building Names
Old Name (Do NOT use)
Annex A
Learning Resource Center (LRC)
Drs. Sid E. & Nell K. Williams Library
Annex B
Center for Graduate & Undergraduate Studies
Annex C
Center for Chiropractic Education (CCE)
Main Clinic
Center for Health & Optimum Performance
Student Clinic
Campus Center for Health & Optimum
Performance (CC-HOP) Funded by Foot Levelers
Athletic Fields
Sports Complex
Sport Health Science Building Center for Athletics & Sport Health Sciences (SHS)
Lower Gym
TIC Auditorium (“Theory, Intelligence, Creativity”)
Tree House
Ian Grassam Treehouse
On-campus Housing Center LIFE Village Retreat
Other noteworthy names & programs:
Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Planning and Research (OIEPR)
Office of Sponsored Research and Scholarly Activity (OSRSA)
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL)
Quality Enhancement Program (QEP)
Functional Neurology Center (FNC)
LIFE Sport Science Institute (LSSI)
Student Advocacy Center (SAC)
Student Success Center (SSC)
Life University Style Guide | 10