Stumpy's Close Call May 2014 | Page 3

But let's say you did look more closely. Do you know what you would find? You would find a beaver—an ordinary looking beaver— sitting on the side of the stream in the late afternoon, nibbling some cottonwood trimmings and enjoying the trickling water rush past his warm, brown fur. He may be admiring his work on the dam, the dam that slows the stream to a comfortable pace and lets the water form a little pond. This pond is home to all variety of plants, insects, and animals. In the pond you may see a cutthroat trout swimming in smaller and smaller circles, catching insects on the surface of the water that are backlit by the afternoon sun. You may even see some elk footprints in the mud at the edge of the pond, which serves as the community watering hole. And there's the beaver, whose name is Stumpy, enjoying his little break and his little snack after his hard work on building the dam (which happens to be his home too). Stumpy is a young and 3