Chapter 1: Driving by
The rivers and streams, lakes and ponds, and
the valleys and mountains in New Mexico may
not look like much at first glance. If you were to
drive by them you probably wouldn't think
much of them. They would look like other
streams and ponds that you have seen
elsewhere, with trees and bushes that line the
rivers and the occasional bird that may fly by,
singing its song like any other ordinary bird.
You may even think about driving by without
giving a single thought to what may live in
those lakes and ponds. You may not even
wonder how those trees and the valleys and the
rivers came to be. The juniper and pine trees
may look ordinary, and the cottonwoods and
willows may look like other trees you've seen,
but if you don't look closely you will be missing
the adventure—and the mystery—that those
streams and lakes contain.