Study: The Puzzle of Innovation in China | Page 7

07 04 ACTIONABLE INNOVATION ROAD MAP Many companies' headquarters emphasize the importance of innovation, yet business as usual dominates when the next steps for the Chinese market are determined. Simply articulating an auspicious vision for China is far from sufficient. It takes a structured step-by-step road map targeting specific milestones for each business unit and ultimately the product groups. Before the introduction of innovations, a process must take place that needs to be actively shaped according to the specific circumstances of an individual company. Naturally, due to the peculiarities of each company, there is no single, standardized approach for establishing an innovation road map. This takes a clear understanding of the impact that the shifting Chinese market landscape has on an individual company. Aside from the external market, every aspect of the business – from product portfolio, pricing and point-of-purchase, to processes and governance structures – needs to be carefully reexamined, and its fit for the upcoming challenges evaluated. The outcome is an ultimate end-to-end target operating model that is broken down in all affected business functions. Capturing this defined target state in detail is the basis of a company’s “innovation road map”. Therefore, this report aims to provide companies with a framework for shaping their individual road maps for innovative product, service and business models. Based on our experience, MNCs can face this challenge best by following three guiding steps: A profound understanding of the company’s environment sets the scene and is the basis for reshaping the business model. Companies will only be as successful as their organizational structures and capabilities allow – therefore, a comprehensive organizational transformation must be pursued to support the defined strategy. FIG. 05 І THREE STEPS TOWARDS INNOVATION GATHER INTELLIGENCE INNOVATION ROAD MAP ORGANIZATIONAL TRANSFORMATION EXTERNAL LENS CUSTOMER PREFERENCES BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES COMPETENCY GAP PRODUCT & SERVICE INNOVATIONS PROCESSES & GOVERNANCE INNOVATION & TRAINING COLLABORATIONS & NETWORK INTERNAL LENS PRODUCT, SERVICE & SOLUTION OFFERING R&D CAPABILITIES (CROSS-BORDER) GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE BUSINESS MODEL INNOVATIONS INDUSTRIE 4.0 CAPABILITIES