Study: The Puzzle of Innovation in China | Page 6

06 03 INNOVATION AS COMPETITIVE EDGE Fortunately, MNCs have already begun to appreciate the impact and pace of China’s innovation catch-up process and are starting to react. Nearly 70% of all interviewed MNCs stated that driving innovation in China is one of their Top 3 business priorities within the next three years (see fig. 03). Interestingly, 25% of interviewees have identified innovation as the Number 1 priority on their agenda. FIG. 03 І INNOVATION HAS HIGHEST PRIORITY What is the degree of priority for innovation in your Chinese entity in the next three years? 59% of survey participants have no well-defined innovation road map 2 1 3 In addition, multinationals have begun to realize the central role that innovation plays in developing customer-specific products: 80% of interviewed companies consider innovation to be a vital instrument for meeting local customer needs (see fig. 04). Furthermore, innovation is seen as an efficient means to differentiate from competition (77% of interviewed companies) and attract new customers (70% of interviewed companies). AMONG TOP 3 PRIORITY: 67% TOP 1 PRIORITY: 25% FIG. 04 І DRIVERS OF INNOVATION 80% 77% 70% 55% % MEET CUSTOMER NEEDS DIFFERENTIATE ATTRACT NEW CUSTOMERS INCREASE MARGINS Yet, despite the high priority assigned to innovation, MNCs need to significantly increase their efforts when it comes to developing an innovation agenda: Nearly 60% of surveyed companies have no well-defined innovation road map in place! ||