Study: The Puzzle of Innovation in China | Page 20

20 08 THE AUTHORS GÖTZ V. STEYNITZ Götz v. Steynitz, based in the Dusseldorf office and partner for Industrials, is responsible on the German side for driving the transfer of knowledge and intercultural exchange between the goetzpartners teams in China and Germany. Götz v. Steynitz has a proven track record leading major transformation projects for mid-sized and international corporations, and chiefly advises on China Market Expansion and Localization strategies, Operational Excellence as well as Sales Growth programs. With nine years of industrial and seven years of consulting experience, he connects the dots between conceptual setup and implementation. Having worked in China for several years, Götz v. Steynitz is able to leverage his hands-on experience at multinational companies operating in China and use this knowledge to systematically improve the business performance of client companies. He advises by first gaining a thorough understanding of the business-specific market dynamics and then deriving the value proposition it takes to succeed in the Chinese market. His focus area is the level of innovation for “China-to-China” and “China-to- Global” products, which goes hand-in-hand with the localization strategy. Before working for goetzpartners, Götz v. Steynitz spent five years with DEUTZ AG in Germany, where he held several technical management positions, and three and a half years as Head of Industrial and International Sales for Deutz (Dalian) Joint Venture with FAW in China. He holds a degree in Industrial Engineering and is specialized in Mechanical Engineering. TAO LIN Tao Lin is a partner from the goetzpartners’ Shanghai office and is mainly focused on organizational innovation, China market growth and local transformation in China. He has helped with the strategic planning and implementation of many mid- to large-sized companies in China to successfully position, grow and transform them. Tao Lin is accustomed to identifying, from the angle of China as well as that of an innovation expert, the pain points and areas of improvement for Western companies in China, especially in manufacturing. From his experience and objective third-party point of view, Tao Lin often helps his clients to first realize where their position within the market is and then where they should be in order to better survive and thrive in China’s unique and dynamic environment. “Innovation” and the improvement of its use in China can be confusing to many who are within an organization of interest, yet Tao Lin can make them identifiable, measureable, tangible, organizable, actionable and implementable. Before goetzpartners, Tao Lin spent 15 years in the strategy and management consulting industry in China, Europe and the USA with companies such as Value Partners, Accenture and Deloitte Consulting. He holds an MBA degree from INSEAD.