Study: The Puzzle of Innovation in China | Page 19

19 07 CONCLUSION The question is not whether to innovate, but The upwind in China is transforming the country from being low-cost and labor-intensive to knowledge- and technologybased, driving the motor of innovation. Local competition and MNCs have realized their chance to get on board and benefit from China’s blossoming. While Chinese competitors can build on their knowledge of local market demands, MNCs have understood the urgency of innovating in order to keep up. how. Yet, most MNCs are lacking a clear innovation strategy, hampering their way toward innovation success – only a well-structured innovation road map can provide a remedy. This requires the thorough research of customer preferences, market trends and competitive dynamics, as well as a detailed understanding of the organization and its structures, capabilities and potentials. On this basis, a long list of potential innovation endeavors can be derived that is further prioritized for concrete opportunities. Finally, by systematically enabling Chinese entities to evolve their local innovation competecies, the road map can be translated into action. So far, as clear as it appears in theory, in practice most organizations lack an in-depth understanding of their own innovation capabilities and potentials. The goetzpartners’ Innovation Benchmarking Tool can provide relief, helping MNCs to identify concrete areas of improvement in which to add the final piece to the puzzle and bring innovation out on the road. ||