Study: The Puzzle of Innovation in China | Page 16

16 FIG. 14 І INNOVATION BENCHMARKING TOOL INNOVATION ORGANIZATION AND CULTURE INNOVATION ATTITUDE 100% 80% 60% 40% INNOVATION MARKET PERFORMANCE 100% 80% 60% 90% 70% 50% 60% 80% 80% 20% 0% 40% INNOVATION COLLABORATION INNOVATION SKILLS 20% Own firm scores Average scores INNOVATION IN INDUSTRIE 4.0 INNOVATION ACTIVITY AND LOCALIZATION 0% INNOVATION SCOPE PRODUCT INNOVATION PROCESS INNOVATION PIONEER DISPOSITION SPEED COMMERCIAL SUCCESS Top innovator scores FIRST STEP SECOND STEP In the first step, the tool (see fig. 14) evaluates a company along the seven aforementioned dimensions to draw a comprehensive picture of its current innovation capabilities, attitudes and practices. The evaluation is based on a thorough self-assessment and a set of selected questions for each transformation dimension. Depending on the responses, each dimension receives a score between 0 and 100%. As a result, a detailed classification of the company’s individual innovation prowess is derived. In addition, within each dimension, selected success criteria provide more insight into the specific areas where a company is shining or fading. For example, the dimension “innovation market performance” is distinguished by the following areas: innovation scope (types of innovation practiced), product/process innovation, pioneer disposition, speed (time to market) and commercial success. To put the result into the right context and assess one’s own capabilities and behaviors relative to others’, the evaluation is benchmarked in a second step. Only through comparisons with competitors and best-in-class performers do the significance of the individual performance and the idea of how innovative a company really is become clearer. On this basis, individual strengths and weaknesses with regard to innovation can be derived and potential areas for improvement identified. In addition, it becomes possible to identify in which of the four innovation stages a company is currently positioned. STAGE I STAGE II LOCAL ADAPTORS STAGE III LOCAL DESIGNERS STAGE IV GLOBAL INNOVATION MOTORS EARLY EXPLORERS