Study: The Puzzle of Innovation in China | Page 13

13 EXPLANATION FIG. 10 І IMPACT OF INDUSTRIE 4.0 Business Model Innovations & Implications of Industrie 4.0 A strong innovation portfolio is not just about products. Even though this category represents the most important innovation field for now, our survey results indicate the rising importance of business model innovations. In fact, business model innovations are expected to evolve into the most important innovation type in the years to come. Up to now, business model innovation has often been regarded as a task primarily for start-ups. With the rise of Industrie 4.0 (I4.0), business model innovation is also becoming vital for well-established companies (see fig. 09). FIG. 09 І TYPES OF INNOVATION Which types of innovation do/will you engage in? Today 73.0% PRODUCT INNOVATION 53.2% 55.9% Within the next three years 33.3% BUSINESS MODEL INNOVATION Cyber-physical networks are currently implemented across the entire value chain and products and processes are extensively digitalized. Naturally, this changing business environment paves the way for new products, product-related services and business models. Traditional production and product technologies can be taken as a starting point and merged with modern information technologies to form a next stage of value creation. In the manufacturing industry, future business models will very likely lead to a shift away from physical up-front product sales and toward more usage-based revenues derived from services. Almost 50% of interviewed companies anticipate a strong transformation of their product/ service portfolio mix in upcoming years (see fig. 10). What will be the impact of I4.0 in the following areas in your Chinese entity in 5 years? 19.4% 43.7% 36.9% BUSINESS MODEL 11.7% 11.7% COMPOSITION OF OUR STAFF No impact Moderate impact Strong impact 48.5% 49.6% 43.7% 33.3% PRODUCT/SERVICE ASSORTMENT One new type of business model is represented by “as-aservice” offerings, i.e. instead of an initial fixed purchase price, customers pay on a usage-basis and thereby transform machinery from CAPEX to OPEX. For the machinery supplier, this model yields attractive opportunities as well, particularly regarding data that can be collected during the operation of the machine. Collecting relevant machine data and capitalizing on these existing data sources opens up another business opportunity: machinery manufacturers can tap into the wide spectrum of monitoring services, ranging from the mere detection of failures and diagnosis, to opportunities for predictive maintenance and autonomous control, thereby unlocking new value potential. However, many of the companies we have spoken with are not yet able to clearly see what I4.0 actually stands for, nor the specific benefits it provides. This fact is also reflected by our survey results: Over 60% of interviewed companies are not actively engaged in I4.0 topics yet. FIG. 11 І INDUSTRIE 4.0 To what degree have you already engaged in I4.0? 13.7% WE HAVEN’T THOUGHT ABOUT I4.0 AT ALL YET 49.0% WE ARE OBSERVING/ ANALYZING I4.0 OPPORTUNITIES 37.3% WE ARE WORKING ON INDUSTRIE 4.0 PROJECTS This situation is opening up opportunities. Since primarily start-ups and innovative companies are moving into the I4.0 field at a fast pace, incumbent manufacturers need to react swiftly so as not to lose their competitive positions.