Study: The Puzzle of Innovation in China | Page 12

12 The transition from one stage to the next is determined by a company’s level of innovation capabilities that can be distinguished in seven dimensions (see fig. 08): Innovation Market Performance, Innovation Attitude, Innovation Activity and Localization, Innovation Organization and Culture, Innovation Skills, Innovation in Industrie 4.0, Innovation Collaboration. Depending on the expression of those seven dimensions, a company transitions faster or slower from one development stage to the other. || FIG. 08 І SEVEN DIMENSIONS OF INNOVATION CAPABILITIES 1 INNOVATION MARKET PERFORMANCE Developing a pioneer position in introducing new products and services, accelerating the speed-to-market, and increasing the share of revenue generated by new products are factors which enhance a company’s innovation performance in terms of quantity, quality, and timing 2 INNOVATION ATTITUDE Making innovation a top-management priority; constantly outlining and evaluating local innovation opportunities; prioritizing and timing in a detailed innovation road map SEVEN DIMENSIONS 3 4 INNOVATION ACTIVITY AND LOCALIZATION INNOVATION ORGANIZATION AND CULTURE Organizations conquering the Chinese market often transform from a simple import-only approach to local innovation of products, services and business models from scratch Organizational structures can differ in the degree of autonomy granted by the headquarter to the Chinese division; clear definition of responsibilities and decisionmaking rights for defining products, services, and business models as well as associated budgets approvals 5 INNOVATION SKILLS Recruit, develop, and retain key staff; foster creativity as well as critical and innovative thinking through dedicated ideation workshops; establish an appropriate incentive system 6 INNOVATION IN INDUSTRIE 4.0 Identification of innovative local products, services and solutions and formulation of business model concepts in the context of I4.0; definition of cross-border evaluation teams and a company-wide strategy; outline of practical development stages and cross-border task force for the roll-out of elaborated I4.0 concepts 7 INNOVATION COLLABORATION Seeking out partnerships with local suppliers, think tanks, research institutes, universities as well as with selected competitors as an effective way to bring novel perspectives; nurturing internal ideation through cross-functional, cross-border project teams