Possible relaxation of existing regulatory
framework/regulation of telcos,
especially with respect to net neutrality
and consumer protection. This
loosening is apparent in the new regulation
that the European Commission
has adopted, which, for example,
made it possible for streaming services
to operate within the EU seamlessly
without any restrictions. 3)
Promoting investments (through subsidies
or tax relief).
Restructuring of intracorporate structures
focusing on digital issues: Simplifying
work processes, attitudes,
and decision-making levels helps to
make companies faster and more
flexible. Innovation hubs or corporate
ventures can provide the requisite
leeway to this end.
The expectations of a new generation
– the digital natives – because they
are considered end customers who
are less willing to pay for services, yet
increasingly expect to have access to
all data and apps everywhere and at all
Greater data allowances can be processed
in real time thanks to improved
methods of analysis.
High level of market penetration with
smartphones and good mobile coverage
drives customers’ demand for new
services. By 2021, 50.5% of the world’s
population will have a smartphone 4) ;
currently a mere 1.3 billion people do
not yet have access to a broadband
network. 5)
In the cloud: positive developments
with respect to data security/privacy
(protection of personal data).
goetzpartners also sees the following drivers at work:
Many sectors recognize the potential
of IoT applications
(e.g. industry, healthcare).
Powerful network technologies,
advanced end user devices (smartphones,
tablets) as well as new device
categories (wearables, voice assistants).
Low consumption of energy and established
security standards make services
attractive for broader customer groups.
B2B: standardized network technologies
(e.g. NarrowBand IoT, LTE-M, 5G)
and economical hardware (sensors,
actuators) enable more efficient IoT
3) European Commission (2017). Digital Single Market: EU negotiators agree on new rules allowing Europeans to travel and enjoy online content services across borders.
Retrieved from http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-17-225_en.htm
4) Statista (2017). Digital Economy Compass.
5) GSMA (2017): The Mobile Economy 2017.