Agility is today widely understood to be the highest form
of organizational adaptability. An organization’s reaction to
external developments, followed by timely action within internal
processes and product portfolios, is vital to prevail in
a continuously changing market environment. In this report,
the authors investigate whether this capability is also reflected
in the company’s financial performance.
Agility is an organization’s ability
to make timely, effective, and
sustained changes resulting in
performance advantages.
On the basis of the survey, the Agile Performer Index identifies
14 factors that make for an agile company. These factors
can be organized into FOUR AGILITY ROUTINES:
This routine describes how top managers create an environment
where the organization’s purpose – it’s "raison d’être" –
and strategy are widely disseminated and shared, constantly
challenged, and continuously evolving. Everyone is motivated
to take responsibility for their own actions and regard the
organization as their own.
STRATEGY We have developed robust, flexible strategies
valid across the company that integrate the needs
of our customers, the competitive environment and the
contribution of our employees.
IDENTITY We are known in the external environment
for our innovative, adaptable and customer-oriented
attitude, and we believe this philosophy and these
values represent the way we work.
PURPOSE We have defined and communicated an inspiring,
values-based corporate purpose that sustains
the company on its path into the future.
SUSTAINABILITY Sustainability is fundamental to
our activities and processes. Alongside change and
innovation, it is an essential element in the purpose,
values and beliefs of our company.
This routine builds a synaptic organization with internal and
external links that continually gather and assimilate information.
The perceiving routine enables the organization to
identify changes early, to communicate them to decisionmakers
and enact appropriate responses.
STRUCTURE Our employees work in structures with
a strong focus on the marketplace. As many people as
possible have direct contact with the external environment
and especially customers.
INFORMATION FLOW We ensure that information
can flow quickly, transparently and unfiltered between
operational-level people and decision-makers, both
vertically and horizontally. Our managers keep staff up
to date on how the company is performing.
FUTURE ORIENTATION Incorporating the future and
its alternative possibilities is an essential part of all
management reviews. All employees are encouraged
to contribute their ideas.