Professor Einstein's Quest:
Talent versus Dreams – Page 4
WHO Winter Internship Program
2014 – Page 5
New Research Findings on Student‐
centered Learning – Page 5
Des na on Melbourne:
A City of Magnificent Architecture – Page 6
BusinessDay ‐ Jobberman
Diaspora Job Fair ‐ Page 7
Dining with Richard Branson – Page 7
When Talent is Not Enough – Page 8
The MBA Heritage – Page 9
10 Most Popular Universi es in the USA for
Interna onal students ‐ Page 9
Scholarships, Grants & Upcoming Events‐ Page 10
Miles Morland Founda on Wri ng Scholarship ‐ Page 11
Editor’s Welcome
It's interesting how we constantly measure
people based on their talent. We say things like
“that guy is so talented, he will really go far. This
girl is so drab, she has so little offer”. Fast forward
15 years later and the Genius Guy has a terribly
mundane life while Drab Girl is flying high in her
chosen field. So is Talent really enough? We'll be
delving into this and more in this edition of Study
Our Study Destination is the beautiful city of
Melbourne in Australia. We have great
oppor tunities such as the WHO Winter
Internship Program, the Miles Morland Writing
Scholarship and the Business Day-Jobberman
Job Fair along with our exciting regulars.
Professor Einstein also continues on his quest for
the secret of great dreamers and has more to
reveal, so delve in!
The World beckons…Travel, Learn, Succeed!
Motola Oyebanjo
Outfit focused at providing Nigerians interested in an
International Education experience with the information
and motivation needed to achieve this objective.
A Publication of AVMC.
Motola Oyebanjo
Biodun Ogunsanya
Edward Ubong Richard,
Creative Design
Fisayo Afolabi,
Sheriff Oshin
Soji Olaogun
Media & Marketing
Dare Adebanji
Oloyede Oyebanjo Ariyo
Executive Producer
0803 472 1623, 0809 865 0650
“The separa on of talent and skill is one of the greatest
misunderstood concepts for people who are trying to
excel, who have dreams, who want to do things. Talent
you have naturally. Skill is only developed by hours and
hours and hours of bea ng on your cra ." ‐ Will Smith
[email protected]