Study: Entertainment unlimited | Page 20

20 BEST PRACTICE Paid subscription conversion through digital transformation AT A GLANCE PAID SUBSCRIPTION MARKETING OF THE FINANCIAL TIMES Various publishers, such as the New York Times, Wall Street Journal or Financial Times, are specifically setting store by paywall models to monetise their journalistic content. REGISTRATION REGISTRATION (e-mail address) for 3 FREE ARTICLES a month MARKETING – FT PAID SUBSCRIPTION • Targeted, staggered, but always individualised measures/offerings until a user takes out a paid subscription. • They include: Generating, analysing and profiling user data is vital as part of that, especially in marketing the offerings. IDENTIFIED USER TRACKING Personal WELCOME Targeted PUSH MESSAGES from the user’s sphere of interest Automated “TOP PLACEMENT” of articles with a high interest match After readers have completed the obligatory (free) registration process, the Financial Times tracks their every action (currently >500,000 digital subscribers) with the aim of selectively feeding their marketing process for the paid subscriptions with user data and making the offerings as personalised as possible. FT TRACKS USERS’ BEHAVIOUR • How often do they come? At what time? • In what sections do they browse (without clicking on an article)? • What articles do they read (for how long)? • What do they pass on to peers? � Deduction of user preferences Personalised POP- UPs with offers to attract subscription Individualised E-MAIL NEWSLETTER Targeted ARTICLE RECOMMENDA- TIONS based on collaborative filtering Continuous OPTIMISATION OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS and re-targeting of the user on external websites