Study: Entertainment unlimited | Page 12

12 1| Success factor: user data and personalisation Big data for deciphering user profiles and preferences VALUE OF THE DATA ANALYSIS OF PREFERENCES Customer data can prove to be a real goldmine for companies – if they use it in a targeted way. Google and Facebook earn billions with data-driven business models. A company can use information gained from interacting with customers to draw conclusions about their individual preferences. User profiles can be created from big data (such as from data mining/discovery, pattern recognition, predictive analytics) and can then be used to address customers in a more targeted manner (marketing), develop more attractive products/offerings (sales) or provide customers with better support in service business on the basis of their preferences. As a result, customer satisfaction is enhanced and the customer lifecycle lengthened. FRIENDS NPS [1] KEYWORDS CONTENT STATED PREFERENCE USAGE BEHAVIOUR CSAT [3] FCR [2] RESPONSE TIME WILLINGNESS TO PAY CONVERSION RATE SEARCH BEHAVIOUR Big data ACTIVE, PERSO- NALISED CONTROL OF OFFERINGS [1] Net promoter score [2] First contact resolution [3] Customer satisfaction score Source: goetzpartners, goetzpartners Big Data Study 09/14