Study: Corporate Citizenship | Page 7

07 THE UNITED NATIONS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS 3 ALL MEMBERS OF SOCIETY HAVE TO CONTRIBUTE This selection of challenges illustrates the urgent need for action. The United Nations (UN), as the prevailing global institution, has taken a lead: in 2015, the UN co-created the agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and called upon all members of society to rally around 17 goals to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. THE UNITED NATIONS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS The agenda covers the Global South (emerging and developing countries) as well as the Global North (developed and industrialized countries) and is challenging governments, civil society 2 and the private sector alike. These three key stakeholder groups have different roles and bring different competencies, resources and responsibilities to the table: Ideally, government designs and enforces laws and regulations and thereby defines “the rules of the game”, which have significant influence on societal development. Depending on the system and capacity of the government, it addresses market failures, directly or indirectly presides over massive resources and is ultimately accountable to its people as the fundamental source of its legitimacy and power. Individuals address societal challenges in everyday life, and civil society organizations combine forces of individuals to address challenges more effectively. In doing so, civil society plays a crucial role in holding both the public and private sector to account. In their undertakings, individuals and civil society organizations are unfortunately more often than not inadequately resourced and, by extension, only a few civil society organizations have reached significant scale. The private sector with its small, medium and large enterprises has expertise in identifying demands, creating solutions to address these demands, and providing these solutions efficiently at large scale. The sector’s strength is exceptional: for example, the combined revenue of Germany’s 30 largest publicly listed companies (EUR 1,446 billion) exceeds the gross domestic product of Canada (EUR 1,429 billion). >> 2 Civil society includes non-governmental organizations (NGO), academia and others 3 Note: Beyond Philanthropy and goetzpartners support the SDGs