Study: Corporate Citizenship | Page 6

06 02 CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP IN A WORLD OF SOCIETAL CHALLENGES THE WORLD IS FACING UNPRECEDENTED CHALLENGES What do unprecedented challenges mean in practice? To get an understanding of the magnitude and diversity of today’s societal challenges, one ought to know that… In 2015, 60 MILLION PEOPLE around the world were displaced and fled their homes and countries – a number not seen since World War II (UNHCR, 2015) Over A BILLION PEOPLE have no access to electricity (The World Bank, 2016) More than 100 MILLION CHILDREN lack basic education – 60 percent of them are girls (UN) Almost ONE IN FIVE UNDER-25s in Europe is without a job (Statista, 2016) Annually, 5.5 MILLION PEOPLE die due to air pollution (The University of British Columbia, 2016) Every minute, the equivalent of almost 50 FOOTBALL FIELDS of forest is lost (WWF, 2017a) If the current trend continues, the number of wild animals will be REDUCED BY TWO THIRDS by 2020 compared to the 1970s (WWF, 2017b)