Study: Clear stance, clear direction | Page 7

| 07 Which role do authentic behaviour and leadership have in organisations? What factors in the corporate environment promote authentic behaviour of managers and employees? What obstacles prevent employees and managers from behaving authentically and how might these obstacles be overcome? Are there cultural differences in authenticity between Germany, Russia, and the UK? What are the effects of corporate organisational structures on authenticity? WHY AUTHENTICITY? Why of all things should we choose authentic behaviour and leadership as the subject of our study? Firstly, because we see in practice – in our ongoing consulting work with several hundred managers a year – what a keen sense employees have for authentic behaviour and the negative effects that a lack of credibility in leadership can have in companies. Even major credibility crises, like the ones VW and Deutsche Bank are currently experiencing, have been attributed to aspects of corporate leadership. Many commentators maintain that rigid hierarchical structures and a culture in which mistakes were not addressed openly were among the causes of the emissions scandal at VW (see, for example, n-tv, 13 Nov. 2015: Abgasskandal wird für VW teuer [Emissions scandal will cost VW dearly]). Secondly, we observe how difficult it is to allow and live authenticity in the corporate environment despite all the models and guidelines put in place by companies. Almost every day, we see people on the career ladder jettison their own convictions, bow to genuine or supposed pressure, and find it difficult to remain true to themselves, pursue their chosen path and make the right decisions in today’s complex working world. We are convinced that a paradigm shift is necessary for organisations to meet the demands of the future. Old habits must be thrown overboard so that companies are to be steered effectively into the future. In particular, organisations require a new leadership paradigm. Start-ups, for example, are showing the way forward, achieving success with new, more democratic leadership styles and organisational structures. Similarly, some established companies have benefited from managers who challenge conventional thinking and decision-making styles. We are convinced that authenticity will be a powerful LEVER for this transformation. On the one hand, an authentic stance is one of the basic prerequisites for a new leadership paradigm. On the other hand, this new type of leadership also enables employees at all levels to be more authentic and effective. The purpose of our study is to establish the role that authenticity really plays. We examine the factors promoting authenticity and the role that authenticity can play in organisations. In addition, we identify the obstacles hindering authentic behaviour and leadership, and outline the options for overcoming these. The results of the study identify promising pathways that can help organisations move towards a new leadership paradigm. || EBERHARD HÜBBE PROF. DR. MATTHIAS SPITZMÜLLER LARS FÖRSTER