For the second Agile Performer Index, goetzpartners worked with the NEOMA Business School and the Center for Effective Organizations at USC’s Marshall School of Business in California to develop a global sample for this study.
Over 5,000 executives and directors from companies in the European Union, North America, and Asia as well as organizations in the Middle East, Africa, and South America, were invited to take the survey. Over 600 business leaders (N=637) responded to the 40 questions on agility that documented practices related to strategy, structure, human resource practices, and innovation. The questions were aggregated into 12 equally weighted design characteristics, which were organized, again with equal weighting, into the four agility routines.
In the 2019 data, we endeavored to counteract the bias of many c-suite executives, who tend to overestimate the “true” agility score of the organization, by acquiring multiple surveys from the same firm. We were able to collect at least two surveys from 58 firms thus allowing us to compare agility ratings between levels of the hierarchy within the same firm.
For the second Agile Performer Index, the data suggest that organizational complexity begins to set in – and the need for agility becomes urgent – when a firm reaches 100 people. The analyses described in this report exclude the results from these small firms.