Student's Times 2014-2018 2015/17/01 Čtvrté číslo | Page 18
How to Have a Good Day?
Také v tomto čísle máte možnost procvičit si své znalosti angličtiny trochu jinak než
prostřednictvím školních učebnic. Neváhejte a přečtěte si náš článek, který stále souvisí se
začátkem nového roku a motivací k tomu, aby byl zase o něco lepší než rok minulý!
Smile and be kind. By doing this you will radiate a positive wave and attract people. Help others in need,
maybe donate some money to charity, do community service like help at homeless shelters, or just be a
shoulder to cry on. If you display a sunny disposition, the people around you will feel good too.
Exercise. Just do some sport or anything else, it´s really great for your health.
Have a good night's sleep. That way you wake up feeling fresh and energized. Sleep at least 8 hours a day. Did
you know scientists have proved that losing just 20 minutes of sleep can bring down an A+ student to a C?
That means less concentration, less energy, and that groggy feeling. That's how much sleep is important to
the human body. It's easier to go to sleep early than wake up early, so why not give it a try?
Begin the day with a glass of water. Being hydrated can make you feel a lot better and it's a great way to start
the day. Plus drinking plenty of water is great for your skin.
Eat breakfast. Go on Google and find some recipes. There are loads of quick and easy, but oh-so-tasty and
healthy recipes available! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day- having a great breakfast means
loads of energy and your brain will function better. Remember to keep it in moderation and give yourself time
so you won't be late. And try to have variety, the same cold cereal each day can become monotonous and can
add gloom to your day.
Invite friends over, talk, and relax. Do something that you like to do and have a good time.
Be spontaneous. Sometimes doing something new or straying out of your routine could make your day much
more exciting. Today doesn't ha fRF