hlavní téma
Our educational system is based on memorisation and regurgitating information in a test-based environment .
text : Eliška Louková 5.0
With few exceptions ,
schools are now closed worldwide . Classes have gone online , and schooling is way different now . We are experiencing a radical change , but we must adapt . I think normal school is much better than online . In my opinion , most of the online classes are tedious and I ' m bored even with my favourite subjects . Sometimes I feel out of energy and not able to focus .
I asked my friend what she thinks about online schooling . This type of learning is better for her . Even though she would like to change our way of learning to be more engaging . She loves the fact that she doesn ' t have to get up as early as usual . You can do the assignments whenever you feel like doing them . She can cook and eat the meals that she likes . If there wasn ’ t coronavirus , she could also see her friends in person after school .
Our educational system is based on memorisation and regurgitating information in a test-based environment . Since coronavirus is there , and we are stuck at home by our computers , the way we are learning has to change . You can search nearly everything up on the internet .
So , we need to start learning ( and rearrange tests ) by analysing information , being creative and using soft skills because this is what we ' ll need in our future lives .
I know it might be complicated , especially in these times , but some of our classes are like that , and that ' s great !
To sum up , nowadays we have a chance to move from a traditional system based on memorisation to more creative one . So , let ’ s do it ! l
Adaptační kurz
První ročníky se adaptovaly ... Od 2 . 9 . do 4 . 9 . se uskutečnil adaptační pobyt v Drhlenách .
fotografie : Mgr . Michal Bělka
Závěrečná soutěž Jedno ze stanovišt tzv .
Vorvávačky .
Společný nástup Všechny čtyři třídy se sešly , aby obdržely instrukce .
Tým Snažíme se o spolupráci .
Závěrečná soutěž Jedno ze stanovišt tzv .
Vorvávačky .
18 zÁŘÍ-ŘÍJEN 2020