Jelikož se vyšší gymnázium od 5 . října ocitlo v online režimu vzdělávání ( nižší gymnázium ho následovalo o 14 dní později ), každý z nás teď musí zaujmout postoj , jak v novém systému fungovat .
Něco se ukazuje jako neskutečně únavné , něco jako nosné , na něco jsme byli zvyklí , po něčem se nám stýská … Přeposíláme tedy několik úvah .
Sure , it has some negatives , but in general I like being flexible with my activities . text : Lucie Hamanová 3 . b
Because of the pandemic , all students , including me , had to learn at home . In March it was a mess . Teachers were sending us lots of work and we students were confused and didn ’ t know what to start with . As time went by , we adopted to the situation and it started to feel almost like our second nature . What is it now like ? The worst thing about this situation for me is not seeing my friends so often . Not only my schoolmates but also my friends I was seeing after school . Since I live in a village it ’ s very hard for me to get to Mladá Boleslav after my online classes . Other bad thing about this way of studying are the upcoming tests after we get back .
On the other hand , school itself is way better for me this way . I ’ m able to get up later , I can make myself good food , exercise whenever I want . All in all , I have more time for myself . After school I ’ m already at home and I ’ m able to do other stuff I usually don ’ t have time to do .
All things considered , I prefer school online . Sure , it has some negatives , but in general I like being flexible with my activities . People I ’ d like to see I meet anyway . Even though I prefer studying online I still look forward to coming back to school . Why wouldn ’ t I ? I ’ m used to go to school for 12 years .
One solution would be to start virtual reality schools but that would be quite expensive . text : Tomáš Kratochvíl 3 . a
One of the biggest groups of
people that got affected by coronavirus are students , whereas many of them nowadays suffer from lack of good education . This brings us to the question how and where should teachers make a change . Or isn ’ t the problem caused partially by students themselves ? I would like to start with the pros of the online classes . Since there is barely anything similar to the normal form of studies , plenty of teachers found new interesting ways to teach such as projects , fun activities or even bought a graphic tablet and made the learning easier . Even pupils had to change their daily habits – they have to start their days by simply starting their pc or phones . Another difficult thing for them is that they need to learn by themselves .
Nevertheless , many of them failed at adjusting their ways of teaching which resulted in a downfall of their lessons . But it isn ’ t always their fault , young people took opportunity and loads of them made holidays from the crisis . You would find them sleeping , playing games or not even participating in the studies . And it ’ s impossible to achieve their interest .
So , is there any way to optimize studies in corona times ? One solution would be to start virtual reality schools but that would be quite expensive . The cheaper one is to make the lessons enjoyable for both sides , find solutions to make this situation more enjoyable and not fall behind . We are in this together .
16 zÁŘÍ-ŘÍJEN 2020