and Its Effects on One’s Life
Social environment refers to the
immediate psychical and social
setting in which people live in
which something happens or de-
Markéta Brzobohatá
In fact, one
may have
the wealthi-
est parents,
drive the nic-
est cars, eat
the most deli-
cious caviar
in the world
and still
wind up in an
institution for
mentally ill.
he social background people have
been growing up in has a life-time
impact on their latter future. The
destination, even a part of the city, the
type of a family itself determine how the
rest of the society will treat this specific
individual, in terms of accepting them into
groups, creating relationships in general,
access to education, job opportunities and
so much more.
First of all, let us take a look at one’s ori-
gin. If a child is born into a rich, financially
more than stable family, he or she will
be able to attend the best fancy schools
even without having the needed skills and
knowledge, will have enough financial
sources to pay for modern clothes and
supplies which makes it a lot easier for
them to find a group of friends and fit
in. On the other hand, a child who has
to grow up in a poor family is more likely
to experience bullying what may lead to
underperforming in school, however, it is
not so far from the truth to say teachers
do expect them to do exactly that. What is
more, such families usually have hard time
affording proper health care, even basic
sanitary products, causing the child to
face life-threatening situations.
Another chapter that shall be mentioned
is the family itself. In fact, one may have
the wealthiest parents, drive the nicest
cars, eat the most delicious caviar in the
world and still wind up in an institution
for mentally ill. The reason behind that
can surely be genes, but the main part is
8 lEDEN-ÚNOR 2020
taken by the people one is supposed to
be the closest to, his or her family. This is
why those people need to communicate
and co-operate together. Children from
disfunctional and abusive families suffer
from low self-esteem, depression, self-
harm and other serious conditions. They
may have issues with establishing healthy
relationships, chances are they will end
up in one exactly like their parents simply
because they do not know any better.
Last but not least, what affects the lives
of them to an nonnegligible part, is the
destination we have been brought up in,
meaning the country, the city, even the
district. To paint the picture, imagine a
city. The city has two parts, a relatively
safe neighbourhood with no worrying
amount of criminal activity occuring and
the second part, a slum full of weapons
and drugs distribution, with nonexistent
level of hygiene, the dwellings on the edge
of breaking down - could not even be
called houses. It is not hard to tell how a
human being will be influenced by living in
either of those.
In conclusion, the future of people is
decided by three main elements: financial
circumstances, family background and
overall environment, concerning local
atmosphere. All of these may define how
people will be treated. But not forever.
However, there are many and many stories
which provide hope for those who want to
overcome their inconvenient life condi-
tions. l