Student Revue BŘEZEN-ČERVEN (dvojčíslo) | Page 17

arted ringing. I immediately jumped out of e minute to calm myself and then I checked , why would someone even call met this t that annoying human. „WHO IS THIS!?“, iend Rose. „Why weren’t you at the math d damn! I am constantly forgetting about t to set up my alarm clock.“ „Again?“ „… . Last time, she said I had to help my h my grandpa lives like 200 kilometers utes long, caused by Rose´s need to tell me decided to get some breakfast. My parents e only company I had was my cat, silently ed her some leftover milk. Along with my nds I‘ve had for the last three months. the hardest part of the day. I usually nnoying my cat, or just lying on the bed. y homework, last day before the deadline. mazing, I just felt the need to make it up to ng will I keep it up?• e. It was barely a week into the selfpandemic. They couldn’t go out as situation ocurred. The only time they were although Mark being Mark, he bought not probably need to go for another ertain themselves. The first days were icking, just pure fun. They played Animal eir small flat, they tried to cook eadible s that they had always wanted to watch. f what to do… ing at the ceiling and browsing Twitter on her, not knowing what to say to the other. them. Was it awkward? Maybe. e, or is it so fluffing, boring?’ ought about the past week, trying to think oming up his mind. ‘It´s been only a week the rest of quarantine?’ around the whole time won’t help me.’ n’t. bing and set up a tent in the mountains?’ start to work. Johnny nodded. ‘Why don’t d jumped high, nearly banging with his he time they’ve finished, the whole living d. They brought all the snacks Mark had d they also opened two bottles of wine. as they drank a bit too much. (However, nging I’m yours by Jason Mraz and giggling