Student Organizations Procedures Manual | Page 31

Organization Logo
When designing a student organization logo , remember that the logo should represent your organization ’ s mission and purpose . The logo cannot use any copyrighted material and must be original artwork . Each logo must include the student organization ’ s name . * Student Engagement must approve all organization logos . Completed artwork requires 3- 6 weeks for approval .
Use of Collin Logo
The College District protects all Collin College and campus trademarks from unauthorized use , including names , logos , mascots , and symbols .
The Communications Department must approve artwork whenever a student organization wants to purchase a printed item that includes any variation of the word “ Collin College ,” the Collin College logo , or mascot . Artwork must be approved before an order can be placed . Submit artwork to Student Engagement for assistance and approval . Student Engagement will communicate with the Communications Department .
Completed artwork requires 3-6 weeks for approval . If assistance is needed in creating new artwork , contact Student Engagement as soon as possible . Refer to the Collin College Graphic Standards Manual when using the Collin College brand .
Printed Promotional Products
At times , student organizations may want to purchase promotional items . The college contracts with certain vendors who provide a percentage discount . Each vendor offers a large variety of promotional items .
If your organization uses Agency Account funds , you may use any vendor . However , if SAFAC or Collin College funds are being utilized , you must use one of the following approved vendors and get SES Administrative approval . The college reserves the right to limit the purchasing of apparel and promotional items in accordance with purchasing contract limitations and requirements .
Approved Vendors as of November 1 , 2023 :
• Authentic Promotions : www . authenticpromotions . com ; amy @ authenticpromotions . com
• Big Hit Creative : www . bighitcreative . com ; info @ bighitcreative . com
• Buffalo Specialties : https :// www . buffspec . com /; elizabethn @ buffspec . com
• Joy Promotions : https :// www . joypromotionsinc . com /; contact7 @ joypromotionsinc . com
• Logotology : www . logotology . com ; monica @ logotology . com
• 4imprint : https :// www . 4imprint . com ; acundy @ 4imprint . com
• Bay Promo : https :// www . baypromo . net / ; bids @ baypromo . net
• Bernstein Lash Marketing : https :// www . bernsteinlash . com / ; sdeantonio @ bernsteinlash . com
• Empire Marketing : https :// www . empiremktg . com / ; dawn @ empiremktg . com
• Exalt Printing Solutions , LLC : https :// www . exaltprinting . com /; kyle . marta @ exaltprinting . com
• Facility Management International Consult : https :// www . fmicconsulting . com /; pvercher @ fmicconsulting . com
• Speedpro : https :// www . speedpro . com / ; info @ speedpro . com
• The Urban Circle : https :// www . tucllcpromo . us / ; info @ tucllc . us
Steps to Order Printed Products Below are the initial steps in ordering apparel and printed items . These steps serve as a guide and are subject to change .
1 . Artwork - contact Student Engagement for artwork assistance and approval . a . Artwork must be in EPS ( vector format ). b . Student Engagement and the Communications Department must approve artwork . c . Artwork can take up to 10 weeks for creation and 3-6 weeks for approval . d . Student Organizations can work within their groups ( or outside groups ) to create their artwork but must still be approved by Student Engagement and the Communications Department . 2 . Quotes - contact college-approved vendors directly for your quotes a . Information needed for a quote : requested item , quantity , artwork to be printed , date required by ( please plan accordingly ).