Once the event is over , the organization must clean the area where the literature was distributed .
Obtain a Generic College Email Address Once recognized by the college , a Student Organization Advisor ( s ) may request a Collin . edu email address by submitting a Generic Email Request form .
To access Office 365 , visit https :// portal . office . com /. For new accounts , allow up to 2 weeks for account creation . The helpdesk will notify the Advisor that the account has been created and provide a temporary password . The password should be changed upon initial log-in , and the student organization member responsible for maintaining the account should be notified . If a password needs to be reset , the Advisor must contact helpdesk @ collin . edu . The password will remain unchanged for existing accounts until a password reset is requested .
Mass Email to Collin College Community
• Faculty / staff advisors can announce high-profile / special events via Office 365 only after approval from Student Engagement ( i . e ., speakers , cultural events ).
• Not to be used for fundraisers
• The event must be open to all faculty and staff to attend
• Campus distribution lists available in Office 365 should not be used by students who are members of student organizations .
• The information must be of general interest to the entire Collin College community to whom it is addressed ( e . g ., if it affects Frisco Campus faculty , only send it to the Frisco Campus distribution list )
• It must be related to students , faculty , or staff
• It cannot promote the use of Collin College resources to support a private purpose ( non- College purpose )
Collin Email Account Student Engagement will use only @ collin . edu email account addresses to communicate with officers , members , and advisors . If you do not have your username and password , you may email StudentHelpDesk @ collin . edu . Advisors can make a Generic Email Request on behalf of the student organization .
• Cougar News is published the first week of each month .
• Students and advisors can submit news and calendar items to Student Engagement to approve the news or calendar item . Articles must be submitted at least three weeks in advance of the event .
• Once approved , Student Engagement will email the Cougar News editor the approved news or calendar item for inclusion in the college publication .
CougarVision – Campus TV Promotion
Student organizations use a Digital Template the Communications Department provides to promote upcoming events only . Student Organization meetings are not permitted for promotion on CougarVision . Following are guidelines as determined by the Communications Department and Student Engagement Representatives . Template Mechanics
Slide Content
• Templates will be PowerPoint slides One event will be featured per slide . Slides should include : aligned horizontally
• Headline
• All slides should be saved as a highresolution jpeg file . This is key because
• Day / Date
• Time ( has a start time and end time )
CougarVision accepts only JPGs ( not . ppt , • Place ( includes campus and room number or other . docs , etc .). location . Campus address is not required )
• JPGs should be sized at 1920 x 1080 .
• Description ( 10 words or less )
• The slides will appear district-wide at all • A web address , if applicable locations where digital signage is available