OFF-CAMPUS EVENT over 25 miles of CHEC or OVERNIGHT EVENT ( Tier 3 ).
Event requests should be submitted a minimum of 20 college business days prior to the event date . The advisor is responsible for communicating with their supervisors for approval to participate in off-campus events . A ratio of nine ( 9 ) students to one ( 1 ) advisor must be maintained . The Vice President of SES may approve any exceptions , at their sole discretion . If the event is more than 25 miles from CHEC , student organizations must use a common carrier or leased vehicle . Organizations are also limited to 18 students traveling unless otherwise approved in writing by the Vice President of Student and Enrollment Services . Collin College sponsored student travel is limited to those students representing the college on a class field trip , competing on behalf of Collin College , or representing a recognized student organization ( serving as either an officer or member ).
Use of Facilities
Recognized student organizations may reserve college facilities and equipment for meetings , programs , fundraisers , and events . Student organizations shall be subject to the College District rules and regulations governing the use of College District Facilities per Board policy FLA ( LOCAL ) and GD ( LOCAL ).
• Activities requiring the use of any campus atrium spaces , event common areas ( i . e . courtyards , quad , library common space ), cafeteria , lecture halls , classroom , or Conference Center require a reservation with the Conference Services department ( which will be made by a Student Engagement representative ). Detailed information regarding the request must be included on the Event Request Form in Cougar Connect . See the Student Organization Event Request Process Summary on page 19 for a detailed explanation .
• The requesting student organizations shall pay all expenses incurred by using the facilities . Such fees are set by the Conference Services department and may be limited to the cost for required College District custodial , security , and building staff and damages and losses .
• One ( 1 ) advisor is required to attend an on-campus student organization event for every 30 people in attendance .
Conference Center Guidelines
1 . Conference Center rooms are booked according to the start and end times of the event . The Conference Services Department will allow plenty of time for Plant Operations to ensure the area is set up in advance . The request will be considered on a case-by-case basis if a student organization needs access much earlier than the actual event start time
2 . No music louder than soft elevator music will be allowed without prior consent . This approval will depend on the nature and importance of the event , the needs of other groups using the center , classrooms nearby that may be impacted by loud music , and noise generated from the group .
3 . If food is provided , it must be procured through Collin Food Services . Prior approval must be granted to bring in food from an external source . Any food provided must be prepared by a licensed food establishment or commercial kitchen . Pot lucks are not permitted in the Conference Center .
4 . Organizations must clean the Conference Center before the end time of their event . Place all trash in trash receptacles . All handouts , decorations , etc ., must be removed . All tables and chairs must be thoroughly cleaned , and nothing may be left on the carpet . A clean-up cart is available for group use . If the Conference Center is not left in an acceptable condition , the group will receive a warning . Further occurrences may result in denying the group future use of this facility .
5 . The Conference Center may not accommodate unique set-ups for small groups . If tables and chairs need to be rearranged , groups are expected to return them to their original position upon departure unless granted prior approval .
Food at Organization Activities
Organizations may use an off-campus food vendor for any organization events and programs using Agency Account Funds . All food using SAFAC or a Collin College department budget funds are required to contact Food Services to give Campus Catering the first right of refusal . If on campus catering is not available , the next food requests must be submitted through America To Go .