First Step Jacey Birkenmeyer
CHORUS: It ' s time to take the first step of a thousand more if you don ' t start somewhere there ' s nothing worth living for you need to take a path that suits your desires Listen only to your heart ' cause it can ' t be a liar
Remove yourself from other ' s influence you must declare your independence free yourself from everyone ' s opinions it ' s time to make your own decisions
Set yourself free from others ' voices you must begin to make your own choices
Pick your friends and choose your enemies It ' s up to you who do you want to be
VERSE: Pay your debts and fill your obligations It ' s time to find your own information The past is past but now is the present Do your best and don ' t be hesitant
BRIDGE: You ' re on your own you ' re all alone don ' t look for help take what you ' re dealt do what you must to earn their trust it ' s up to you to do what you have to do
Student Ink
Our Scrapbook Marie Sowlat
Flipping floppy pages The scrapbook of our time A rip here a tear there but the pages stay together Memories of days under the sun Snowball wars, joy The shrieking laughter: an echo in my ears Although the pictures are frozen they live in my memory
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