Student Ink Spring 2013 | Page 48

Never enough By Liv Rocklin
Chorus Why was I afraid I ' d lose you When I never had you at all You were too afraid to start the climb
Because you ' re too afraid to fall When someone said your name 6 months ago
I would smile and I would think love
But now all I know is coward And I try to tell myself I ' m done But with you there ' s never enough Verse 1 I can say your in my past But then you walk by and it all comes flooding back
The kiss on the forehead And I remember when you said I was alright
And now it ' s like around every corner, you ' re in my plain sight
And I want to say hi But you practically sprint away before I have the time
Chorus Why was I afraid I ' d lose you When I never had you at all You were too afraid to start the climb
Because you ' re too afraid to fall When someone said your name 6 months ago
I would smile and I would think love
But now all I know is coward And I try to tell myself I ' m done
But with you there ' s never enough Verse 2
I want so badly not to care It just excuses that it wasn ' t fair Now I see your face all the time everywhere
She ' s blonde and pretty and she can dance
She also meant I didn ' t get a chance
And if you want to go for her then you should
But she ' ll never love you like I would
Everyone else, I put on a face With everyone else it ' s just an act With you, I think we can agree I ' m a hopeless case
And now I ' m listening to a playlist called Grrr
And it ' s all songs about broken hearts because you don ' t like me, you love her
Chorus Why was I afraid I ' d lose you When I never had you at all You were too afraid to start the climb
Because you ' re too afraid to fall When someone said your name 6 months ago
I would smile and I would think love
But now all I know is coward And I try to tell myself I ' m done But with you there ' s never enough Bridge I wish this could be one of those songs
Where I ' m mad and say I ' m done I wish I could say I hate you But I would be kidding myself, lying And you ' re not that much of a fool I wish for that fairytale ending I wish it wasn ' t with her I wish I was always next to you And I could tell you everything I wish you wouldn ' t look away when you saw me
And I wish these ten years didn ' t stop now
But you ' ve made it clear that ' s what you want
Now all I have is a few sad love songs
Chorus Why was I afraid I ' d lose you When I never had you at all You were too afraid to start the climb
Because you ' re too afraid to fall When someone said your name 6 months ago
I would smile and I would think love
But now all I know is coward And I try to tell myself I ' m done But with you there ' s never enough
Student Ink