Student Handbooks Elementary Handbook 2018-19 | Page 10

ACCIDENT INSURANCE Parents/guardians will have an opportunity to purchase voluntary student Accident Insurance for their children. Student Accident Insurance helps ease concerns by providing benefits for injuries that occur during school hours and/or school sponsored activities. Parent/guardians will receive information about Accident Insurance in the parent information packets sent home with all students during the first week of school. Information and enrollment forms about Accident Insurance can be found on our website under the Parent Support heading; look for Health & Insurance and then click on Student Accident Insurance. AGE OF INITIAL ENTRANCE INTO THE SCHOOL SYSTEM 5111 To be eligible for entrance into kindergarten at the opening of school in September of any year, a child must be five years of age on or before January 1st of that school year. ANIMALS AND PETS In accordance with Board of Education Policy #6155, all requests to have animals in the classroom or on school property must be submitted to the principal in writing. Included in the request should be a description of the activity, type of animal, educational purpose/benefit, length of activity, and a plan for the care of the animal. The principal has the discretion to permit or deny the presence of animals. Parents are requested to provide a copy of their pet’s immunizations to the principal for the safety and protection of the children in school, as well as for the family’s liability. ASBESTOS In accordance with state and federal regulations, an Asbestos Management Plan has been developed for all school buildings in the Enfield Public Schools System. The district has on file plans showing the location of asbestos in each building and measures undertaken to comply with regulations to maintain a safe school environment. A copy of the management plan for each specific school building is kept in the principal’s office for that respective school. If you have any questions regarding the Asbestos Management Plan, please do not hesitate to contact Mark Gahr, Facilities Manager, at ([email protected]) or at (860) 253-6361. ASSEMBLIES There are times when classes, grades, teams, or the entire school may gather for assembly programs. These programs are arranged to bring information or entertainment to the student community. A student’s conduct in assemblies must meet the same standards as in the classroom. ATTENDANCE POLICY 5113 (GRADES K – 12) Connecticut law requires that children attend school regularly during the hours and terms that the public school is in session, unless specifically exempted from attendance by law. The Superintendent of Schools shall establish such procedures as deemed necessary to determine the cause of habitual truancy, including medical verification for excessive absence, and shall cooperate with other private and governmental agencies in correcting the causes thereof. 6