Student Handbook 2024-25 | Page 15

Public Safety officers and local police enforce parking and traffic regulations on campus . Vehicles parked in violation of the policy will be ticketed at a minimum rate of $ 30.00 per ticket plus an additional $ 30.00 per boot removal fee . Students wishing to appeal a ticket may complete an appeal form in the Public Safety Office in St . Brigid Hall or online within five ( 5 ) days of the ticket date . If a student has three ( 3 ) or more unpaid parking tickets , a hold will be placed on their student account until the tickets have been paid or appealed .
Boot and Towing Policy :
1 .
A motor vehicle that remains illegally parked will be ticketed every 24 hours . A vehicle ticketed three ( 3 ) or more times
over 72 hours will be ticketed , booted and subject to towing .
2 .
A vehicle that blocks fire lanes , handicapped access , etc ., will be ticketed and possibly towed .
3 .
A vehicle illegally parked in a reserved space will be ticketed , booted or towed .
4 .
Vehicles with three ( 3 ) or more unpaid tickets each academic year will be booted or possibly towed and may lose their parking
privileges for the following academic year .
5 .
A ticketed vehicle whose owner or driver is unidentified will be booted or towed .
Parking is permitted only in lined spaces in the appropriate parking lots . Under no condition is parking permitted in fire zones , along driveways , on the grass , loading bays , or in any area which could create a safety hazard .
Parking is assigned in the following manner : Faculty / Staff - Connelly Faculty Center Lot N , St . Bernard Hall Lot A , Frances M . Maguire Hall Lot R , and University Hall lots C and D . Upper Class Resident Students - Loyola Hall and Valie Genuardi Hall lots only – identified as Lots H and P on the campus map . First Year Resident Students - will be assigned parking spaces in the Valie Genuardi Hall lot only – identified as Lot P on the campus map . Commuter Students - Any lot NOT designated for faculty , staff or resident students . Visitors - The Griffin Complex Lot – identified as Lot F on the campus map or designated issued guest permit location .
Theft or Vandalism Please report all accidents or incidents of theft or vandalism to vehicles immediately to Public Safety by calling 215-641-5522 . Gwynedd Mercy University is not liable for damages to vehicles that result from accidents , theft , vandalism or being struck by a ball from one of the University athletics fields .
Driving on Campus The speed limit on campus is 15 mph . Speed bumps and traffic signs are located at strategic points on campus for your safety and the safety of others . Multiple moving or parking violations may result in the revocation of parking privileges .
Parking Committee The Parking Committee meets periodically to address parking issues on campus . The committee consists of faculty , staff and students . For more information on the parking committee , or if you would like bring a concern to the committee , please contact Public Safety at 215-641-5522 .
Parking Appeals Board The Parking Appeals Board meets periodically during each semester to review appeals of traffic citations . This committee is made up of faculty , staff and students .
Public Relations / Marketing Communications
The Office of Marketing Communications retains the right to photograph and take video of members of the Gwynedd Mercy University community for publicity purposes , including sharing with the media , posting on social media , and using in print , digital and other promotional materials . Any students who prefer that such information not be shared should file a “ No Publicity Form ” in the Marketing Communications office in Assumption Hall . Students can also can send their requests in writing to Gwynedd Mercy University , Marketing Communications Office , 1325 Sumneytown Pike , P . O . Box 901 , Gwynedd Valley , PA 19437-0901 .
Reporting a Crime All Gwynedd Mercy University community members and guests are encouraged to report emergencies and suspected criminal activity to the Department of Public Safety immediately . Reports can be made in a variety of ways :
• Call 9-1-1 for any EMERGENCY or Lower Gwynedd Police Department at 215-646-5302
• Call 215-641-5522 ( 21111 from on campus ) to reach Public Safety Dispatch .
• Activate a blue light phone ( strategically placed throughout campus ) for a direct connection to the Department of Public Safety .
• Activate a fire pull station within any building when smoke or fire is observed within any GMercyU academic , residential , and office buildings .
• In person at the Public Safety Building located within St . Brigid Hall .