Student communication | Page 10

Learn the terminology

Check with your team to determine the terminology of specific things. Every person at your college or campus should be using the same terminology every time.

An agreed glossary of terms, accessible to all, can be a useful tool for staff and students. Depending on your institution, a written style guide may be available to you to provide additional support and guidance. Contact your respective communications or marketing professional on how to access.

Write times, dates, place names the same way every time. Ensure you use the appropriate conventions for your region, and remind students to do the same.


Structuring emails in a consistent way does two things.

1.       It will save you time, as adopting a certain style and sticking with it frees you up to concentrate on what you need to say.

2.       Regular recipients of your emails will be happy to open your emails, as they already have some idea of your style and will have confidence in their ability to respond.


Why applying consistency is important - resource: