used to do just a few weeks ago and everybody – and
I mean everybody seem to be in a better mood. We
feathered folk do not appreciate winter very much, and
therefore the past couple of months have been nothing
but pure torture... (just thinking about it makes my heart
race.... breathe...breathe...)
When spring is in the air you can literally feel it in the
light breeze that ruffles your feathers in the early morning. You hear it in the songs of birds in the trees and
you see it in the playfulness of the little monkeys at
midday. But it is not only us animal folk that are
celebrating spring... I see the students are also
acting up...
Quack! I love spring. Of all my favourite seasons, it is
without a doubt my most favourite! Quack!
And guess what? Spring is in the is only a matter of time before she makes her appearance. Some
years, she just seems to take more time than others
to make her way to the Vaal. Like this year – o ȁͼ)