Warm weather, my favourite!
Kinga Siejek
What a month! Now; in terms of events on Campus,
yes we may not have been buzzing, BUT the events
that we did have were some of the highlights for the
year, especially for next year!
How can I say this? Well, we had a WHOLE LOT OF
VOTING happening on Campus. From SRC to HKs,
any students who had the guts, and felt that they could
make a difference nominated themselves for a position.
Now while for some students it is easy to then go and
blame or make fun of certain people or student positions in general; but the matter of the fact is; is that it
takes courage to stand up on a stage and speak passionately of what they want to do if voted into power.
Yes, there may be students who just want to do it for
popularity reasons, or for who knows what; but majority (if not all) of the students that were elected went
into the job with the idea of changing the Campus for
the better. While I give credit to those that spoke their
minds during Manifesto Day, I think ‘seeing is believeing’ is the best course forward... Anyone can say they
want to make a change, but it is a completely different
thing to actually go and do it.
So I wish all the SRC and Hks of 2014/2015 luck in all
that they will do during their time in office, and know
that you have over 6,500 students watching your every
move... So; no pressure!
Now, down to some business. August is always one of
my favourite months of the year, next to April, September, October and December... I guess you might be
able to tell why the others are (Easter, Spring, Halloween and Christmas!). The reason? It’s my birthday
month AND Women’s Day! So not only do I celebrate
because I was born, but also celebrate that I was born
a woman, and thank all those amazing women that
came before me for the things that they did, the pain
they have to go through to make sure that I am in a
place in life where I have more freedom than was allowed before.
Now, while I refuse to tell you my age (I love when people try to figure it out), I can at least say that the older
you get, the more birthdays are just not what they used
to be. When you were a young child, the excitement of
toys, and a party with a cake was what made birthdays
a day to countdown to... Most people after a certain
age, will probably tell you that their birthday is a day
they dread. The idea of getting older, the wrinkles that
slowly start emerging, the aching muscles... doesn’t
sound fun now does it. But the one thing I learn, is that
you need to still have a little bit of fun on your birthday,
no matter what age you are turning! So I ate a cupcake
that morning (as chocolate as they get), and kept a
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smile on all day. Then when I fot home, I had my favourite dinner, and a lovely Oreo Cookie chocolate! Very
low-key, but the point is that I still tried to find a way of
Now, there are a few things to celebrate in the coming weeks on Campus. Firstly SPRING is finally here!
Though it might not look or feel like it just yet, you have
to admit that the days a re getting warmer. Before we
know it, we will all be walking around in shirts and
shorts thinking if jumping in the river would be a good
or bad idea to help cool ourselves down.
The second reason to celebrate, is that September
means CULTURE DAY is close by! And this year we
are celebrating it on Heritage Day itself! So SAVE THE
DATE now... All those cultures, all those stalls, and all
that yummy food to try! My stomacj growls just thingking about it!
Looking back at August, it too was a busy month...
Let’s have a quick look at what we covered for August
(that I know of):
• The SRC Maniferstos
• The SRC Elections
• The Residence Manifestos
• The Residence Elections
• The SRC AND Residence Inaugurations
• The Faranani Farewell Party
• The Faranani Block Party
• The Law Debate
• The Longfellow Charity Event
• The Law Society Community Project
• The Silent Protest
• The SCC Event
• Woman’s Day
• The Earthquakes in South Africa
WOW! And those are just the ones I can think of at
the top of my head! But I can tell you know, if you read
through the Mag, you will get more info on what they
are about. So! Scroll away dear readers!